Sunday, January 25, 2015

Civic Regulation

A friend of mine bought some land in Zindra recently and one lot was an attractive beach front piece. With a good ground texture plus access to the ocean and a Linden road this seemed like a really good place to buy. However it suffers from Mainland diversity. Sure, I'm a champion of Mainland and the craziness which it generates, but I have to admit that my land is surrounded by nice neighbors with good taste in what they put on their land. Not so with the land heretofore mentioned.

On one side, as pictured above, is a sex club (Zindra, remember) with excessively large Full Bright signs, some in neon. The structure itself is fairly tasteful. The interior is very poorly put together, but you don't have to go look. If I drop my draw distance from 128m to 64m most of the building would disappear from this vantage point, but that's not a solution. It gets worse to the south.

That land across the road is a series of unfinished sky platforms and terrible fireworks 24/7 regardless of the day cycle. The latter I could live with. Not the sky platforms. They are more disruptive to the experience than are the bright signs on the other lot.

Mainland needs some regulation and I strongly feel that this would improve the Resident experience and possibly save Mainland, bringing in more revenue for The Lab. It has been done before. That his how Zindra was created. The Lab came along and told people "If you have adult activities such as sex clubs, shops with pornographic images, or other such content, you need to move to this new continent." To aid the mandatory move, The Lab swapped out land anywhere in SL with new land in Zindra. Early adopters and volunteers to go first got some favorable swaps. Others were simply forced.

A similar move could be done to separate residential and commercial land. I don't want my home next to a huge department store and I sure don't want my scenic landscaping next to Full Bright signs advertising boobs. Mind you, I like boobs, but sometimes it is better to conceal to reveal. To paraphrase the real estate mantra, "Atmosphere! Atmosphere! Atmosphere!" Harmonious districting of land would let those who wish to have attractive homes cluster together and set all the commercial properties together so shoppers and clubbers wouldn't have to wander all over for their needs.


Xeriko said...

Though I agree with you on the need of some regulations (and it's never too late to establish some that may improve the overall appeal of Mainland), the problem is surely more complex than a residential-commercial dichotomy (that's a distinction of purpose --to call it something--, not of aesthetics). What I perceive as nice is surely different to what you like. Repeat that phrase for every land owner, and that's the source of your mainland diversity. What about these two houses: a countryside cabana and a Gorean castle sitting next to each other? Or the neighbor that just decided to use his land as a building yard instead of setting his laboratory on a sky platform? And what would you say about that private airport right in the backyard? Four months ago, that corner in Corsica was as idyllic as it could be; now it is regretfully what I'm describing in here. The land owners are the same, yet some of them decided to legitimately have something else in their parcels. Now, there's no way to make those four lots fit together, and there's nothing "wrong" with any of them. How do we solve this puzzle?

Uccie Poultry said...

I do love the zany mix of styles that appears on Mainland but commercial and residential separation makes sense. It is a solution that works in Real Life and should work in Second Life. From there if a resident doesn't want to see a cabana next to their Gorean castle, they have other options, such as acquiring land elsewhere. People move all the time.

ZZ BOTTOM said...

If some managed to do it, see bay City , and east river community , just as example, we all can do it elsewhere. I cant say i have to many issues at our home in Zindra, as the neighbors are the same as when we did get the spot, over 2 years ago and if some i do think is that LL can be blamed for sure for not making it much more used, How did they manage to put a hub on the center of the river, cutting all ways to sail around?

Uccie Poultry said...

I know the Infobhub you mean and that was a specific design decision. Look close and you'll see that there are two different water levels when you walk from one side to another. The building masks the difference. Often when The Lab does that they use a waterfall. No boat would have been able to navigate the river in any case due to the difference.

If you look around Zindra, you'll notice that land around major Linden infrastructure tends to be more homogeneous and usually commercial in nature. This was the first land settled in the switch. Zindra gets wild when you move to the hinterlands and suburbs, the areas last settled.

This shows that your idea – The Lab is a moderating influence – is true and that supports my idea that The Lab can tame the wilderness.