Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Topless Mardi Gras

If I was still living in Pennsylvania, today I'd be celebrating Fasnacht Day with a few high-fat lumps of dough shaped into rings and wishing I could have even more. Instead, I live in Maine and went with the all-America holiday of National Pancake Day (AKA Shrove Tuesday) by having lunch at the International House of Pancakes (iHop).  Mom had a waffle and pancakes. My brother had a burger and pancakes. No, I didn't have pancakes. I really don't like them much. Sort of in the spirt of the thing, though, I sniffed the maple syrup and stole a bite from every plate of pancakes on the table then tucked into a delicious country fried steak with sausage gravy, buttery mashed potatoes, and crisp steamed broccoli.

Normally, Mardi Gras is not my thing and I don't do anything for Lent starting on Ash Wednesday, but since others seem to like a party and it is Topless Tuesday, I'd say it was worth a picture, at least. Check out more in the Topless Tuesday in SL Flickr group.


Unknown said...

"a delicious country fried steak with sausage gravy, buttery mashed potatoes, and crisp steamed broccoli." Wow your IHOP cooks sure are much better than ours on Long Island.

Uccie Poultry said...

Same menu, I bet. These cooks aren't bad. This particular meal wasn't their best, but they were really, really busy that day.