Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Lame April Fool's Post

Yesterday's post on this blog, "Linden Realms Upgrade!," was an April Fool's Day prank. Apparently a lame one as no one believed it. Well, win a few and lose a few. Last year's prank, "Announcing Correspondent Mole," caught a few and made still others research a bit to debunk it.

I'd like to thank my brother, CC Columbo, for participating this year. I was watching him run about in Linden Realms and got inspired so I had him take a screen shot then I 'shopped it to paint some pink gems purple. After, he uploaded the pic and made a HUD with it so he could take a snapshot in-world and post it to his MySL feed with the proper Visit Location coordinates. He even faked some dialogue between himself and LR Linden, the avatar that you sometimes see running around Linden Realms. You can see it here then if you check the rest of his snaps here you'll see that he posted other pix as cover.

Maybe the gems I painted weren't realistic looking enough. Maybe the premise was too far fetched. It is hard to judge what makes a really believable prank. Hopefully I'll be better next year. Until then, keep having fun in Second Life!!

By the way? Kennylex Luckless pulled off a really good Linden Realms prank yesterday. See it here.

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