Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hover Text Pollution

There was a time that when one rented space in a mall the most common rule was "No Hover Text" and I was fine with that. It's a handy thing to use but it can be quite annoying, especially when it interferes with an otherwise scenic view. Here I am at a bunny pen my friend Jehria has and I can't see the bunnies for all the pollution. She likes it so I can't complain about it here but I finally got my wife to turn off the hover text over her bunnies in our bunny garden at Dolce Valentina (SLurl). Now I can enjoy the bunnies and the environment. But visiting Lops of Lesbos (SLurl), where this picture was taken, is still hard on the eyes. Ah, what we do for our bunnies, huh?

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