Monday, June 21, 2010

SL7B: The Isle of Lesbos

The Isle of Lesbos is at the Second Life Birthday celebration for the third year in a row and once again features art, but this time the pieces come from within the Isle sisterhood as part of the event theme of Unexpected Collaborations. Also featured is a nice swing nestled in a fantasy meadow that has a great view of the surrounding builds. If you want to relax, cool off with one of the lagoon's floaty toobs. These are free to copy as is some of the art that is on display.

Of course, the art is the focus and below, in order, are some previews from Temoren Drathman, Airethilien Banach, Angela Seale, and Jenshae Werefox.

Some of my art is on display, too, and I have to put in the disclaimer that I built the exhibit, too. I would have had a much harder time, though, if it weren't for my wonderful wife and Build Assistant, Angela Seale.

The exhibit should be one of the many fine builds listed in the official Destination Guide (Web) but check out official SL7B blog (Web) for information about the whole event.

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