[10:14] Uccello Poultry: Hello, Magellan! Are you alright? Folks are worried about you.There was no further communication and as of the time of this post there was no indication that Magellan was back in-world. Keep in mind, however, that Lindens have a special ability to hide their presence, both from online status detectors and radar.
[10:16] Uccello Poultry: I've been searching for you. Did you see my offer of free drinks for an interview? or my other blog post? http://poultryreport.blogspot.com/search?q=magellan
[10:18] Uccello Poultry: Do you need supplies?
[10:21] Magellan Linden: Nah, I'm good. Thanks! There's some suspicious stuff going on ...
[10:21] Uccello Poultry: Anything I can help with?
[10:21] Uccello Poultry: I saw that the Piranha region in the Wilderness has been wiped out, possibly by a typhoon.
[10:22] Magellan Linden: It's under my hat for now ... oh? Hmm, I wonder ....
[10:24] Uccello Poultry: Contact me any time if I can help. Did you know that old-time resident Jack Salazar disappeared in an attempt to find you? There is a search on for him, too. http://kahruvel.com
[10:24] User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
Of course, in my excitement I got Salazar Jack's name bassackwards.
Piranha (SLurl) is part of the Wilderness and a prime location to search for Magellan's whereabouts. For at least a week now the region has been devoid of everything except the most innocuous small items, including Magellan's LDPW raft.