Friday, February 27, 2015


Despite a recent reversal by Google on its decision to retroactively ban adult content on Blogger, my blog will continue to reside at Thank you for visiting here and your patience with the move to The Poultry Report's new home.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blogger's Last Topless Tuesday

On or about March 23, 2015, the fine folks at Blogger will mark The Poultry Report as hosted on their servers as Private so that only I can see the content (source). My blog won't be alone. I'm sure thousands if not tens of thousands or more will disappear because someone has an issue with nudity and other adult topics. So much for free speech.

Click to embiggen or see it on Flickr.
So here is the last Topless Tuesday picture I will post on Blogger. Going forward, my blog will be hosted by Wordpress at

The move is in progress so the look of the new site might change. I'm still using the same template that I picked when I created the Wordpress version years ago when I experimented with it versus Blogger.

Perhaps it is easier to objectify bare chests on women than it is on men and likely this will always be so. It is an erogenous zone, after all. And as much as I decry the inequality between men and women on this issue, I often look at other women with a bit of lascivious glee, clothed or not. I like boobs but I can understand some of the reasoning behind Blogger's policy change.

I can't help wonder, though, if Google/Blogger will crack down on violent images. Which is more harmful ... a picture of a woman's breast being caressed or one being carved at with a knife? Frequent exposure to anything will desensitize a person to the stimulus it provides. That's one of the reasons the Romans held The Games. Let Citizens see violence and they will become accustomed to it. Frankly, I'd rather see more breasts and hope I don't get bored.

Since my efforts with The Poultry Report have to been focus on Second Life I'll abstain from delving into the nanny state concept behind all of this. Perhaps I'll tackle it in the future if I can find an SL tie-in.

Adieu, Blogger. Auf Wiedersehen. Arrivederci. Vaarwel. Good-bye.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Blog Moving?

Due to Blogger's new content policy I'll probably be moving my blog to another service. It is either that or remove all nudity from my posts, even the posts decrying the double standards for women and men when it comes to nudity. Right now I'm comparing services and prices and I'll post something here about where you can find my blog starting March 1st.

A Special Request

Click to embiggen or see it on Flickr.
Once in a while my wife asks me to wear something special for her. This is what she picked.


This is for you, Catnip!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Zyx Loves the Arboretum

Zyx Flux, the Chief Gardener at the Bay City Arboretum of Rather Atypical Vegetation (SLurl), explores a lot on her days off but it isn't unusual to find her hanging out at work anyway. That she lives in the barn behind the main building might explain it.

She tells me that she's very happy with the current exhibits, recently refreshed in a fit of activity that involved lots of blood, sweat, and dirt.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Late on the Monday Meme

Not only have I been slacking with my blogging, but I've totally blown off the Strawberry Singh Monday Memes. Until today, Wednesday. Here's the "Have you ever SecondLifed Meme" a few days late.

From the series of "Where's Uccie?" in the Bay City Post.
Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers to your post, delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments so others can come by and read your answers as well!

I’ve done a series of “have you ever” questions pertaining to Second Life. So all of the questions will start with “Have you ever” and end with “in Second Life?”
Have you ever owned a sim in Second Life? 
No, but Angela and I rented a Homestead for a brief time.

Have you ever created content in Second Life? 
Yes, for retail sale, contract work, personal use, and for the Isle of Lesbos (many of which have been featured on this blog, like the Bath House.)

Have you ever driven a vehicle in Second Life? 
Yes. I'm fond of boats and planes but not overly fond of automobiles. I'm better with boats than cars iRL, too, though I've yet to try a plane.

Have you ever gone sky diving in Second Life? 
One of my first experiences on the Main Grid was taking skydiving lessons. For L$150 (a lot of money for me back then) a Canadian chap gave a parachute to me, took me up in a plane a few times, and taught me when to do what, including some tricks on how to find  the center of a scoring target.

Have you ever played a sport in Second Life? 
Not an organized one, but I have a vague memory of kicking around a soccer ball.

Have you ever gone clubbing in Second Life? 
If you mean going out dancing to live or DJ'd music at a venue created for the purpose, yes. If you mean beating helpless creatures for their fur, then no.

Have you ever fangirled/fanboyed someone in Second Life?
 Yes, though for the life of me I can't remember the name of the first person I fangirl'd. Of course, I'm a big fangirl of the LDPW Moles. What was a bit creepy was the first time someone fanboy'd me in public.

Have you ever taken a picture of your avatar in water in Second Life? 
More than a few times, like the picture above.

Have you ever taken a picture of a sunset in Second Life? 
Yes, more than a few. The one that comes to mind first was from my farewell to Lesbos blog post.

Have you ever taken a nude picture of your avatar in Second Life?
 You do know that many credit me with starting Topless Tuesday and you ask this question, right?

Have you ever dated in Second Life? 
Yes, and got married, too.

Have you ever had or attended a wedding in Second Life? 
Didn't I just answer this? Been to more than a few, including my own.

Have you ever drank, smoked or taken drugs in Second Life? 
Yes, no, and no.

Have you ever engaged in sexual activity in Second Life? 
You mean today? Really, you don't seem to read my blog.

Have you ever been to Bukkake Bliss in Second Life? 
Who hasn't been there? Sure, I can think of a few.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Topless Tuesday

Click to embiggen or see it on Flickr.
Happy Topless Tuesday. Yes, I know it has been a while since I have done one of these.
Tweaked in Pixelmator.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bay City Valentines Event

Following is a press release from the Bay City Activity Center for a Valentine's Day event:

Valentine's Day was first associated with "romantic love" when the tradition of courtly love was first flourishing in the Middle Ages by Geoffrey Chaucer, who is thought of by many as the greatest English poet of his time. In many classrooms today children decorate shoe boxes to exchange valentines cards and treats with friends.  Join us at the Bay City Activity Center (SLurl)  for a fun tradition everyone can enjoy!

Feb  1st-10th - Contestant Submissions Accepted
Feb  11th-13th - Judging
Feb  14th - DJ Crossfire + Winners Announced!

-Shoe Boxes must be mod/trans.
-Shoe Boxes cannot be scripted.
-Shoe Boxes must be decorated in a PG style.
-Shoe Boxes must fit within the boundaries of a standard prim.
-Shoe Boxes must be under 15 land impact.
-Texture size must be 512x512, or under.
-Only one entry per avatar.
-Last day to submit house is February 10th.

Best Overall        Most Creative       Most Original       Most Traditional
1,000L                500L  1st Place     500L  1st Place    500L  1st Place
                          250L 2nd Place      250L 2nd Place    250L 2nd Place
                          100L 3rd Place      100L 3rd Place      100L 3rd Place
All contestants will receive a special gift from the residents of Bay City!

Please send your entry to Ayame Kintsugi (AKA Zombiegal) and be sure permissions are set to mod/trans. Full Perm is preferable, but we understand if you do not want to do this.

Winning shoe boxes will be announced on Valentine's Day, with prizes distributed to the winners following announcement. All contestants must submit their finished shoe boxes before February 10th to be eligible for winning prizes.


Just want to see all of the lovely entries? Stop on by!

More information about the Activity Center can be found in our FB group:

More information on the card exchange:
Participation in the shoe box decoration contest is not necessary to exchange valentines. If you would like to exchange valentines, just come and join us for a fun social hour and great music on Valentine's Day at noon!

If you are participating in the shoe box decorating contest, here's how it'll work for you: All contestants' decorated shoe box entries will have a script added to them to receive valentines that have been dropped into them. A copy will be sent directly to the participant, as well as a copy saved inside of their shoe box as a keepsake. If an item is dropped into a shoe box that is No Copy, it will be sent directly to the user with no copy saved inside of their shoe box.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Topless Tuesday in a Blizzard

This is what I'm looking at outside today:

About 15" of snow in southeast Maine by Noon today, a bit more than an inch an hour. More is on the way in the next 12 hours. I really don't like snow. Nope.

This is what I want to be looking at today:

Click to embiggen or see it on Flickr here.
I want to be somewhere tropical with warm ocean water, a nice breeze, and a comfy tub to soak in when I feel like it. Being topless in the snow isn't nearly as much fun, I imagine. Happy Topless Tuesday!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mole Day 2015

BAY CITY, SL (26th January, 2015) - It’s nearly that time of year again when we look for furry little shadows. You do have your shadows enabled, no? It's not about groundhogs -- it's about the Moles of the Linden Department of Public Works!

Initially honored in 2010 by Residents of Bay City, Mole Day is set aside to show appreciation for The Moles and their many contributions to Bay City and the rest of the Second Life™ Grid.

This year’s annual Mole Day will again take place at the Bay City Fairgrounds (SLurl) February 2nd commencing at 5:00 p.m. SLT. The event will feature DJ GoSpeed Racer of KONA stream followed by Marky Helstein performing live at 6:00 p.m. SLT.

"Moles" are members of The Linden Department of Public Works (LDPW). The LDPW is a program focused on improvements related to the experience of living on, or visiting the Linden Mainland. The LDPW organizes teams of Resident builders, artists, and scripters (the Moles!) to create new content on Linden Lab's behalf and to the benefit of all. These Residents have the last name “Mole.”

Moles essentially build all of the grid’s infrastructure: the public roads and railways, items in our coastal waterways and protected lands, and even larger scale projects like the Linden Homes regions, premium content and experiences, and much more.

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest group for Residents of Bay City.

For more information, or to participate in the event, please contact Marianne McCann.

# # #

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Civic Regulation

A friend of mine bought some land in Zindra recently and one lot was an attractive beach front piece. With a good ground texture plus access to the ocean and a Linden road this seemed like a really good place to buy. However it suffers from Mainland diversity. Sure, I'm a champion of Mainland and the craziness which it generates, but I have to admit that my land is surrounded by nice neighbors with good taste in what they put on their land. Not so with the land heretofore mentioned.

On one side, as pictured above, is a sex club (Zindra, remember) with excessively large Full Bright signs, some in neon. The structure itself is fairly tasteful. The interior is very poorly put together, but you don't have to go look. If I drop my draw distance from 128m to 64m most of the building would disappear from this vantage point, but that's not a solution. It gets worse to the south.

That land across the road is a series of unfinished sky platforms and terrible fireworks 24/7 regardless of the day cycle. The latter I could live with. Not the sky platforms. They are more disruptive to the experience than are the bright signs on the other lot.

Mainland needs some regulation and I strongly feel that this would improve the Resident experience and possibly save Mainland, bringing in more revenue for The Lab. It has been done before. That his how Zindra was created. The Lab came along and told people "If you have adult activities such as sex clubs, shops with pornographic images, or other such content, you need to move to this new continent." To aid the mandatory move, The Lab swapped out land anywhere in SL with new land in Zindra. Early adopters and volunteers to go first got some favorable swaps. Others were simply forced.

A similar move could be done to separate residential and commercial land. I don't want my home next to a huge department store and I sure don't want my scenic landscaping next to Full Bright signs advertising boobs. Mind you, I like boobs, but sometimes it is better to conceal to reveal. To paraphrase the real estate mantra, "Atmosphere! Atmosphere! Atmosphere!" Harmonious districting of land would let those who wish to have attractive homes cluster together and set all the commercial properties together so shoppers and clubbers wouldn't have to wander all over for their needs.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Pretty Picture

Very long story very short: The Real Life home care I've been doing for my mother has turned into Hospice care; from daily needs long term to just being comfortable and happy for what time is left. If I'm in-world at all, I'm probably AFK or logged in as a "getaway" alt for just a few minutes relaxation.

And now, a pretty picture!

Click to Embiggen. Taken at Barneys Bay (find it on a Map).

Thursday, January 8, 2015

What Changed in 8 Years?

Don't adjust your sets. CC Columbo is, indeed, orange. Thank the saints that our Irish-Catholic father can't see this. Coming back from visiting mom in Hospital today I took a wee nap after enjoying a Double Whopper and small fries and CC was at the computer. When I woke up, I found him tweaking his SLink hands and ears to match his new skin. Why the change, you might ask?

No change, really. This is the CC Columbo that I met up with when I logged into the Main Grid for the first time at very nearly the same spot in Nangrim. He was orange, wearing women's hair from Juicy La Jolla, free Linden clothes, and a dragon from Wynx Whiplash. This was known as his Eddie Izzard Period. Shortly after this picture was taken he transferred the dragon to me, gave me L$2000, gave me 16m2 of land, and sent me off into the world.

As you can see, he's got a new(er) dragon, better clothes, men's hair, and that new orange skin. Same old CC, though. Best. Brother. Ever!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Second Life Yearbook Photo Challenge

Strawberry Singh is back with blogger memes and I had a few minutes to kill, so ...

"Share an image of your Second Life avatar smiling for a yearbook photo" (orignal post here).

I decided to re-create my high school senior yearbook photo but thought "maybe I should't post a blank image." Since 5th grade my picture never appeared in school publications because I always refused to participate. Starting in 8th grade we all had to have our photos taken for security reasons. Sure, years after I was kidnapped,* they wanted a photo. Locking the school door after the fire started, I guess, or something like that. We all needed photos.

In my senior year we were all to go to a studio in town for those really nice formal sittings that seniors get, but since I wasn't going to do that I had to line up with the 11th graders and let the visiting photographer snap a pic and try to talk me into getting those cheesy portrait packs to give copies to friends and relatives. Didn't happen. It is very rare I even appear in the family photo album. One of the reasons I got a camera was so I could be behind it.

The funny part is, my senior picture got lost. The guy couldn't handle the concept of separating it from the juniors sets and managed to separate me all the way to the cutting room floor. So what I re-created for here is more or less what I looked like at the time. Set your Way Back Machines® for 2006.

Click to embiggen or see on Flickr.
You can't see it from here, but my hair was down to my butt. I wore the cheapest eyeglass frames possible, no makeup, and the only clean hoodie I had. In Real Life it was a zip-up bright green one whereas all my usual ones were dark colors. Sorry, but this one is blue. One of my many Disney t-shirts capped the outfit. Jewelry? I owned one necklace and no earrings. Since people could grab you by the necklace, I almost never wore it.

The photographer often commented "I'm glad you unzipped your jacket" while constantly leering at my chest and trying to take a few shots with my torso showing. One of his really nice Broncolor lights met an untimely death "by accident" while I was zipping my hoodie on my way off the auditorium stage where the pix were being taken. Oops. Maybe the most expensive leering he's done, I'm sure. At least he didn't cop a feel or I would have heard what a Mamiya 645 sounded like when hitting the hardwood.

Second Life should have a yearbook because every Profile photo is a special statement. Sometime when you are bored, perv some profiles and I think you'l agree.

*Read through the blog a bit and you'll learn about this.